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Graduation Information

Graduation Requirements

For the past number of years, a total of 26 credits were required for graduation.  In changing to a block schedule, starting in 2024-25, students will take more classes, thus more credits can be earned per year.  Because of this, the district has increased the amount of credits needed for graduation.  Students have the ability to earn 8 credits per year.  The following is the district policy of credits needed for graduation.

Class of 2025 = 26.5 credits   Class of 2026 = 27 credits   Class of 2027 = 27.5 credits    Class of 2028 and beyond = 28 credits

 Required credits:  English             4 credits
                              Math                 3 credits
                              Science            3 credits (includes 1 cr. of Biology)
                              Social Studies  3 credits (includes 1 cr. of US History)
                              Physical Education  1.5 credits
                              Computers                 .5 credit
                              Health                        .5 credit
                              Personal Finance       .5 credit
                              Electives                    10 - 12 credits

Students are also required to complete 20 hours of community service to graduate.  It is suggested that each student submit a minimum of 5 hours per year in high school.  Click here to review information about this requirement, the guidelines, and examples of community service.  

Click here to access a community service record and verification sheet.


All students need to take and pass the Civics test, per a requirement of the state of Wisconsin.  Most students take it in the spring of their sophomore year, as part of their US History class.


Students must submit their College and Career Ready Electronic Portfolio, as per our graduation requirement.  This portfolio is developed throughout high school, primarily during our ACP (academic and career planning) time.   


The Laude system:  A student's laude score is based on a formula and students are rewarded for classes taken with a higher rigor.  The program is based on a two tier system: tier 1 worth 1 point per semester, awarded to transcripted and AP courses, & tier 2 worth .5 point per semester, awarded to advanced standing and teacher selected courses. To qualify and be recognized in the laude system, the student must have a minimum of a 3.25 cumulative GPA. 


The Laude recognition point program contains three bands:

                               Cum Laude - 7 to 10.5 points

                               Magna Cum Laude - 11 to 14.5 points

                               Summa Cum Laude - Greater than 15 points


To view information about what classes are recognized in the laude program, please see the course catalog (in the course descriptions or the chart near the back) located on the high school academics page.


We highly encourage students to get involved with our ELGHS clubs & activities.  Check out all the opportunities we have to offer our students!

For past graduates that would like to request a transcript, please complete this form and submit it to